Aspire Park Edutainment Complex – Kidzania

a truck is parked on the side of a road.

Aspire Park Edutainment Complex – Kidzania


The proposed development is a ‘children’s role playing indoor theme park’ located at Aspire park zone in Baaya, Doha, Qatar. The development contains retail land uses (Satellite shops, Food and beverage shops, Anchor shops) and the services facilities; technical areas, prayer rooms, restrooms, concourse mall and management offices. TMC data collection has been conducted with the help of high mounted camera fixed at strategic locations at intersections from where it can cover all the traffic movements.


The Traffic Survey was conducted as part of the full TIS; to describe the collection process of the traffic data that has been implemented to understand the existing pattern of traffic demand surrounding the proposed development. These traffic data collection efforts will be utilized in the transport modeling as part of the modeling report. The data collection exercise was carried out for the Turning Movement Counts (TMC) by Seero team at several road sections and traffic intersections surrounding the project plot.


General Authority of Customs


UrbaCon Trading & Contracting


Doha, Qatar.


Traffic Survey & Traffic Impact Study (TIS)

Upgrading of Mesaimeer Road P008 C3

a street with a concrete wall and a fence.

Upgrading of Mesaimeer Road P008 C3


Design Services were requested for the proposed additional roads within the new entry and circulation road for the nine pearls residential complex. In addition, some locations along Mesaimeer Road (P008 C3) required traffic survey using Turning Movement Counts (TMC).

The Peri Tower (scaffolding is used to support the construction process of a bridge as part of the proposed construction and upgrading of Mesaimeer Road Project (P008 C3), As per the proposed structural protection system of the existing shaft, the legs of the Peri Tower (scaffolding) to be supported by RC foundations.


SEERO provided the design services related to the nine pearls residential complex through 4 main stages as follows:

  1. Geometric design of the entrance and circulation roads
  2. Pavement Design
  3. Stormwater drainage design
  4. Proposing the protection of existing utilities based on authorities standard details

In addition, the following deliverables were submitted for the required traffic count locations that included:

  1. The Data of Turning Movement Counts (TMCs).
    • Traffic Survey raw and processed data files.
  2. Traffic Survey Report
    • Traffic Survey Report will include description of the site conditions for each survey location, junction and lane configuration summary of the survey results in addition to data consistency check.

Seero also verified the structural integrity of the existing shaft (ASO 31) whish clash underneath the 9B peri tower foundation at Mesaimeer road. Seero delivered a structural design verification report.SEERO


PWA - Ashghal


Consolidated Contractor Group (CCC)


Doha, Qatar


Consultancy Works

Qatar Freight Master Plan (QFMP)

a worker is standing on the side of a road.

Qatar Freight Master Plan (QFMP)


As part of Qatar National Vision of 2030, Qatar Freight Master Plan Project has been introduced to overcome the freight congested networks and to provide sufficient freight facilities. The mission of this project is to deliver a multimodal freight system to support the ultimate vision. Seero has been awarded to cover the traffic data collection part of the project by surveying different sites allocated all over Qatar. A total of thirteen surveys has been conducted to capture the freight vehicular movement, truck parking points, truck drivers behavior, freight traffic routes, trucks classifications and characteristics and other related data.


 Seero scope carried out surveys as part of the Qatar Freight Master Plan project. Seero provided surveys, work permits/official permissions from all stakeholders for each site for the required works. Seero provided the following:

  •  Automatic Traffic Counts (ATCs)
  • Turning Movement Counts (TMCS) & Queue Length Surveys
  • Manual Classified Counts (MCCs)
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Count
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Interview
  • Corridor Travel Time Survey
  • Road Side Intercept Survey
  • Commercial Operator Revealed Preference Interview
  • Commercial Operator Stated Preference Survey
  • Truck Parking Count
  • Truck Parking Interview
  • Truck Typer, Size,and Axel Configuration Survey
  • Axel Load Survey


Ministry of Transport (MOT)


DB Engineering & Consulting


Doha, Qatar.



PHCC Health Centers

a picture of a building with a sign on it.

PHCC Health Centers


The project is a combination of 14 health care centers, which are located in various geographical locations in
Qatar. The main aim of the project is to improve the existing traffic condition and improve the pedestrian facilities
by proposing major or minor adjustments depending on the project’s existing conditions. The adjustments
include traffic circulations, entry and exit points, road kerbs, parking area, street lighting and traffic signals.


The scope of the project is as follows:

Milestone [1]:

  • Site visits for all components of the project.
  • Coordination with health centers managements to collect data related to visitors and
  • Topographical survey for the as-built layout plans.
  • Traffic survey to collect traffic data
  • Site investigation, gap analysis and recommendations report for review and upgrade of traffic signs, road marking, vehicular flow, pedestrian paths, and accessibility for the disabled

Milestone [2]:

  • Site Development Review Plans include complete set of updated as-built drawings and a report that includes site survey findings, recommendations and modifications.
  • Detailed Design Drawings for construction
  • Complete tender package and BOQ for the construction works of the designed modifications for contractor selection.


Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC)


14 health centers in Multiple locations in Qatar


Traffic Impact Study (TIS) & Traffic Survey