The Philippine School, Doha (B+G+2), is located in Mesaimeer area and connected to the industrial area near the F-Ring Road. The school accommodated a total of 3,825 students when fully occupied. The development contains mainly 135 class rooms with ancillary facilities such as play ground, open play area, gymnasium, etc. The school building is designed to have a ground floor, one basement floor and two floors. Basement floor and some portion of ground floor have been considered for parking areas. Around 291 parking spaces have been considered for accommodating all the vehicles that might travel to the project building. The project covers total plot area of 14,374 sqm.
A full Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was conducted for the project that generates a total of 1257 incoming trips. Our work was to ensure the adequacy of safety for access points, circulation, connection to adjacent properties and roads for all road users. Site development plans were analyzed and designed to follow Qatar standards and guidelines, with respect to the architectural design. Vehicles’ trips on the surrounding roads have been counted by the traffic surveys. Transport modeling assessment was done for the project to predict and mitigate the traffic issues that might arise when the development is constructed. Therefore, a better roads network with an easy, safe accessibility and circulation.