The proposed development, Boulevard Mall (B+G+M) & 2 Palaces (B+G) is located beside Al-Shamal Road in Jeryan Jenaihat in Doha, Qatar. The development contains the Shopping Mall building which mainly has retail spaces, and the two palaces. The mall building is designed to have a ground floor, one basement and mezzanine floor. Parking areas are considered to be in the basement and some portions of the ground floor.
A Full Traffic Impact Study (TIS) was conducted for the project as it generates more than 500 two way trips in the PM peak hour period. The work on this project aimed to ensure the adequacy and the safety of access, egresses, circulations and connections of the development with the adjacent road links.
In addition, the study was performed with VISUM Modeling and VISSIM micro-simulation in order to perform a detailed assessment of the access points to the project as well as the project circulation/assignment on the surrounding road network. The model also has been checked with Synchro for signalized junctions and Sidra for roundabouts and priority junctions.